Bishop's Transcript -------------------------------- SoG Ref: Microfilm Mf44, Canterbury Cathedral Archives Ref: DCB/BT1/178/140 A copy of the register of marriages in the Parish of Otham from Lady Day 1772 to Lady Day 1773 Oct 12 1772 Peter Day of the Parish of Hedcorn (sic) and Eliz. Lindridge of this parish by banns [.] Bishop's Transcript -------------------------------- SoG Ref: Microfilm Mf44, Canterbury Cathedral Archives Ref: DCB/BT1/178/140 A copy of the register of marriages in the Parish of Otham from Lady Day 1772 to Lady Day 1773 Oct 12 1772 Peter Day of the Parish of Hedcorn (sic) and Eliz. Lindridge of this parish by banns
FreeBMD --------------- Marriages Dec 1867 Cooper John Hanks W.Ashfield 2a 1081 SCOTT Anne W. Ashford 2a 1081
FreeBMD --------------- Marriages Jun 1897 Cooper Edith Gravesend 2a 1039 Day Walter Hanks Gravesend 2a 1039 [.] FreeBMD --------------- Marriages Jun 1897 Cooper Edith Gravesend 2a 1039 Day Walter Hanks Gravesend 2a 1039