Notes for John DAY

!CHR: N.E.H.G.R.; Vol.LXXVI; 1922; Records of the 1st.Ch. Wells, York. ME.
!MAR-DEATH:  Family Records of Kennebunk, York, ME.; by William Thompson;
Typed by Ted Wells; 1928;  Vol.1; Pages 207-223-338-339;
Joseph & Patience Day;  ME.Hist.Society Library;
Portland, Cumberland, ME.
BOOK:  The Day Genealogy; by The Day Family Ass.; 1989;
!BIR-MAR-DEATH:  Family Records of Kennebunk, York, ME.;
by William S. Thompson; Typed by Ted Wells; 1928;
Vol.1; Pages 325-326; Joseph & Patience Day;
ME. Hist. Society Library; Portland, Cumb. ME.
BOOK:  The Day Genealogy; by The Day Family Ass.; 1989;
p.365-366-367. Library; Bangor, Penobscot, ME.
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Notes for John DAY

!BIR-MAR-DEATH:  Family Records of Kennebunk, York, ME.;
by William S. Thompson; Typed by Ted Wells; 1928;
Vol.1; P. 320-322; Joseph & Patience Day;
ME. Hist. Society Library; Portland, Cumb. ME.
BOOK:  The Day Genealogy; by The Day Family Ass.; 1989;
p.365-366-367. Library; Bangor, Penobscot, ME.
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