Notes for Rhoda A. DAY

!BIR-MAR-DEATH:   William Day & Dorothy Littlefield;
by Ina Harris Day;  p. 57-58.
Return to Rhoda A. DAY

Notes for Richard Remington DAY

Places of residence:
1927-1929 Cleveland, OH
1929-1931 Evanston, IL
1931-1935 Cleveland, OH (with Mother only during war at maternal grandmother's
house); Ralph .  lived in Cleveland.
1935-1939 Cleveland (whole family back together)
1939-1941 Lindhurst, OH
1941-1950 Solon, OH
1950-1951 Delaware, OH (at Ohio Westlyan University)
1951-1954 Married and lived in Toledo, OH
1954-1956 Warrensville Heights
1956-1959 Ligonier, IN
1959-1961 1505 MacArther Dr, Munster, IN
1961-1962 127 E Elm St, Olney, IL
1962-1975 35 E Wood St, Palatine, IL
1975 to present 2519 Honeysuckle Ln, Rolling Meadows, IL
Military service: Bet. 1945 - 1946
WWII, Navy Sea Bees, Carpenter's First Mate, stationed in the Philippines
Degree: June 1950, Ohio Wesleyan University, BA in Psychology
Return to Richard Remington DAY

Notes for Robert DAY

Maine Probate Abstracts
York County Vol.14, 1783-1787
Page 837.
Will of Joseph Day;
I Joseph Day of Wells, being weak in body, devises, 17 May 1782;  To my wi fe
Elizabeth all of the household goods, ½  my homestead + ½ a lot of fre sh
meadow adj. to the mill privy of my saw mill on the North Branch of t he
Little River at her disposal, + my riding horse, a cow, and three shee p;   
To my sons, John and Moses Wentworth, five acres of marsh on the Mou sam
River, equally divided;  To my son Joseph Day, a small lot adj.  the w est
side of the mill pond on the branch aforesaid plus 15/;  To my son Ben jamin
Day, my common right lot;  To my son Henry Day, a 44 acre lot adj. t he East
side of the aforesaid mill pond;  To my son Robert Day, 1 /3 of my right in
the saw mill on the North branch of Little Rive r;   To my daughters, Lucy
Gray, and Hannah Shackford, L4 L.M. eac h;  To my grand children, Josiah 
Norton and Betty Norton, 5/ eac h;  To my son Moses Wentworth Day, ½ my home
place + half ½ the fresh mead ow adj,  the above mill privy. and + my stock,
husbandry tools and other e st. not disposed of.   Const. sons John, Joseph,
Moses Wentworth Day Execu tors.
Witnesses; Joshua Goodwin, Ebenezer Littlefield, John Wheelwrigh t.       
Probated in Biddeford 16 Oct.1783.
!CHR: N.E.H.G.R.; Vol.LXXVI; Jul.1922; Pages 186-187-260-261;
BOOK: Family Records of Kennebunk, ME.; by William Thompson;
Typed by Ted Wells; 1928; Vol.1;  Pages 325-326-334;
Joseph & Patience Day;  ME.Hist.Society Library;
Portland, Cumberland, ME.
BOOK: Soldiers & Sailors of the Revolutionary War; ME;
by Carleton & Sue Fisher; Page 194.
BOOK: York County, ME. Genealogical Society Journal;
Apr.1986; Vol.1; #2.
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