[25edison.ftw] !BIR-MAR-DEATH: William Day & Dorothy Littlefield; 1989; by Ina Harris Day; p. 62 to 64.
[25edison.ftw] !BIR-MAR-DEATH: William Day & Dorothy Littlefield; by Ina Harris Day; p. 57-58.
[25edison.ftw] !BIRTH: V.R. Buckfield, Oxford, ME.; Book 2; Page 60. !MARRAIGE: Church & Town Records of Jefferson, Lincoln, ME.; Married by William Day. !CENSUS: U.S.1850; Jefferson, Lincoln County, ME. !CENSUS: U.S.1870; Augusta, Kennebec County, ME.; Reel 546; Page 90; Lines 30-36. !DEATH: V.R. Milford, Middlesex, MA.; Killed by a train backing up, while working in a brickyard; Medford, Middlesex, MA. !OBITUARY: Kennebec Journal; 31 Aug.; Augusta, Kennebec, ME. !ESTATE: Isreal W. Day, Appointment of Adm. Book 153, page 214; Kennebec County Courthouse, Augusta ME. OCCUPATION: Foreman Brickmaker, Dana Brickyard, Medford MA. DIRECTORY: Medford MA 1870, page 149. LAND DEED: Washington St; Augusta, Kennebec, ME.; Mary G. Neal to Isrel W. Day; 3 Apr.1866; Kennebec County Courthouse.
[25edison.ftw] Subject; Benjamin Day letter to Brother James B. Day, Waterboro, York, ME . Waterboro, Dec.3 1848. Brother and Sister, it has been a long time since I saw you. I thoug ht I would write a few lines to inform you that your friends is all wel l, except DANIEL has been sick two years, he is in consumption. Since I w as here, I work in Salem, Lexington, and Brighton. I would be very gl ad to come and see you, but I couldn’t make it convenient. James, we have built a large barn, sixty feet long, and thirty seven fe et wide, and cut it full of hay. We keep twenty head of oxen’s, cows, ste ers, and heifers. One horse. THEODORE has bought him a farm, and moved away, he bought in Waterboro. I SREAL has bought the old place, and moved on to it. I want you to wri te as soon as you get this letter, let me know how you are getting alon g. I want to hear from you all very much. I have nothing more to wri te in particular. I give my love to you all. This is from your Brother Benjamin Day To James B. Day Death; Isreal Day’s wife is dead. She died 19, March 1844. Address to; Mr. James B. Day of South Wrentham MA