Ancestors of Freeman DAY
/-Timothy DAY
/-Joseph DAY
| \-Phoebe WILDES
/-William DAY
| \-Patience HILTON
/-William DAY
/-Edmund DAY
| \-Lucy VARNEY
Freeman DAY
\-Catherine STANLEY
Ancestors of Freeman DAY
/-Timothy DAY
/-Joseph DAY
| \-Phoebe WILDES
/-William DAY
| \-Patience HILTON
/-David DAY
/-Jacob DAY
| \-Elizabeth NORTON
/-Ivory F. DAY
| \-Elizabeth PERKINS
Freeman DAY
- Father: Henry DAY
- Mother: Mary Annie LINSCOTT
- Birth: 1848-04-00, Brownfield, Oxford, ME
- Death: 1913-02-08, Porter, Oxford, ME
- Burial: 1913-02-11
- Partnership with: Mary M.
Marriage: (Date and Place unknown)
Ancestors of Freeman Horace DAY
/-Timothy DAY
/-Joseph DAY
| \-Phoebe WILDES
/-Hilton DAY
| \-Patience HILTON
/-Stephen DAY
| \-Elizabeth LITTLEFIELD
/-Henry DAY
| | /-Timothy DAY
| | /-Joseph DAY
| | | \-Phoebe WILDES
| | /-William DAY
| | | \-Patience HILTON
| \-Dorothy DAY
Freeman Horace DAY
\-Mary Annie LINSCOTT
Descendants of Freeman Horace DAY
1 Freeman Horace DAY
=Mary M.
- Father: Kenneth Eugene DAY
- Mother: Alice Louise PRICE
- Birth: 15 FEB 1944, San Diego County, California, USA
- Residence: 1992, Buffalo, NY
- Residence: Buffalo, N.Y
- Residence: 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002, Buffalo, New York
- Civil: California
- Death: 6 SEP 2009, Buffalo, Erie, New York, USA
Cause: Age at Death: 65
Ancestors of Gary Evan DAY
/-Timothy DAY
/-Joseph DAY
| \-Phoebe WILDES
/-Joseph DAY
| \-Patience HILTON
/-Moses Wentworth DAY
| \-Elizabeth WENTWORTH
/-George W DAY
| \-Elizabeth LITTLEFIELD
/-Augustus Franklin DAY
| \-Emily WOOD
/-Henry Augustus DAY
| \-Harriet GOVE
/-Charles Eugene DAY
| \-Sarah Remington WAITE
/-Kenneth Eugene DAY
| \-Ella Mills TAYLOR
Gary Evan DAY
\-Alice Louise PRICE
Descendants of Gary Evan DAY
1 Gary Evan DAY
=Diane BATY
Ancestors of George DAY
/-Timothy DAY
/-Ebenezer DAY
| \-Phoebe WILDES
/-James DAY
| \-Hannah DOWNING
George DAY
\-Elizabeth BRADSTREET
Descendants of George DAY
1 George DAY
=Judith PHIPPS
2 David DAY
3 Sarah DAY
3 Nancy Pearce DAY
3 Elizabeth Hill DAY
3 Abigail DAY
3 David DAY
3 William DAY
3 George DAY
3 Aaron DAY
3 Harriet Norwood DAY
2 George DAY
2 Judith DAY
2 Betsey Bradstreet DAY
=Charles FITZ
2 Amos P. DAY
=Mary Jane DAY
3 Edward Amos DAY
=Margaret Webster MILLETT
3 Mary Jane DAY
3 Mary Jane DAY