Ancestors of Lyle Seldon DAY
/-Timothy DAY
/-Joseph DAY
| \-Phoebe WILDES
/-William DAY
| \-Patience HILTON
/-Asa DAY
/-Daniel DAY
/-Daniel DAY
/-Daniel Rufus DAY
| \-Hannah Moore LEAVITT
Lyle Seldon DAY
\-Minnie B. DANFORTH
Descendants of Lyle Seldon DAY
1 Lyle Seldon DAY
=Winifred Mertie DAY Marriage: Canaan, Essex, VT
2 Living DAY
2 Evelyn Beulah DAY
=Clifton W. CLOGSTON Marriage: About:1925-00-00
2 Linden Alfred DAY
2 Living DAY
=Living FORBES
Ancestors of male DAY
/-Timothy DAY
/-Joseph DAY
| \-Phoebe WILDES
/-Joseph DAY
| \-Patience HILTON
/-Benjamin DAY
| \-Elizabeth WENTWORTH
/-Ebenezer DAY
| \-Lucy HATCH
/-Calvin DAY
| \-Miriam HATCH
male DAY
Ancestors of Mabel DAY
/-Timothy DAY
/-Joseph DAY
| \-Phoebe WILDES
/-Benjamin DAY
| \-Patience HILTON
/-Abraham DAY
| \-Mary TAYLOR
/-Abraham DAY
/-Francis DAY
| \-Olive WHITE
Mabel DAY
\-Olivia J. STONE
Ancestors of Mabel F. DAY
/-Timothy DAY
/-Joseph DAY
| \-Phoebe WILDES
/-William DAY
| \-Patience HILTON
/-David DAY
/-Ebenezer DAY
| \-Elizabeth NORTON
/-Joshua DAY
| \-Phebe NORTON
Mabel F. DAY
\-Hannah E. ROBINSON
Ancestors of Mamie C. DAY
/-Timothy DAY
/-Joseph DAY
| \-Phoebe WILDES
/-Joseph DAY
| \-Patience HILTON
/-Benjamin DAY
| \-Elizabeth WENTWORTH
/-Joseph DAY
| \-Lucy HATCH
/-Benjamin DAY
| | /-Timothy DAY
| | /-Joseph DAY
| | | \-Phoebe WILDES
| | /-Hilton DAY
| | | \-Patience HILTON
| | /-Hilton DAY
| | | \-Elizabeth LITTLEFIELD
| \-Lucy DAY
| \-Martha GOWEN
/-John L. DAY
| \-Love PATCH
Mamie C. DAY
\-Susan Bell PATCH