Ancestors of Olive Stevens DAY
/-Timothy DAY
/-Joseph DAY
| \-Phoebe WILDES
/-Joseph DAY
| \-Patience HILTON
/-John DAY
| \-Elizabeth WENTWORTH
/-John DAY
| \-Esther THOMPSON
/-James DAY
| \-Patience LITTLEFIELD
Olive Stevens DAY
\-Rhoda CHICK
Ancestors of Olive W. DAY
/-Timothy DAY
/-Joseph DAY
| \-Phoebe WILDES
/-Benjamin DAY
| \-Patience HILTON
/-Abraham DAY
| \-Mary TAYLOR
/-Abraham DAY
Olive W. DAY
\-Olive WHITE
Descendants of Olive W. DAY
1 Olive W. DAY
=Edward Southwick STICKNEY
Ancestors of Oliver DAY
/-Timothy DAY
/-Joseph DAY
| \-Phoebe WILDES
/-Joseph DAY
| \-Patience HILTON
/-Moses Wentworth DAY
| \-Elizabeth WENTWORTH
/-Robert DAY
| \-Elizabeth LITTLEFIELD
Oliver DAY
\-Mary WOOD
Ancestors of Oliver DAY
/-Timothy DAY
/-Joseph DAY
| \-Phoebe WILDES
/-Joseph DAY
| \-Patience HILTON
/-Henry DAY
| \-Elizabeth WENTWORTH
/-Robert DAY
| | /-Timothy DAY
| | /-Joseph DAY
| | | \-Phoebe WILDES
| | /-Hilton DAY
| | | \-Patience HILTON
| \-Priscilla DAY
| \-Elizabeth LITTLEFIELD
Oliver DAY
- Partnership with: Abigail WATSON
Marriage: 1831-05-29, Limerick, York, ME
Ancestors of Oliver Perkins DAY
/-Timothy DAY
/-Joseph DAY
| \-Phoebe WILDES
/-William DAY
| \-Patience HILTON
/-Nathaniel DAY
/-Stephen DAY
| \-Katherine PERKINS
Oliver Perkins DAY
Descendants of Oliver Perkins DAY
1 Oliver Perkins DAY
=Abigail WATSON Marriage: 1831-05-29, Limerick, York, ME
2 Morrill W. DAY
2 Charles DAY
2 Laura A. DAY
2 Ramon S. DAY
2 Carter DAY
2 Lucinda W. DAY
2 Andrew J. DAY