! From Canfield book: Peter Van Clief, Jr. (probably born in Bedford Co,Pennsylvania) move d to Washington Co, Ohio at the age of 4 with his parents in 1796. He grew up on the famil y farm in Washington Co, near Waterford. On June 29, 1815 he married Sally Newton, daughte r of Sylvanus Newton and Elizabeth Stacy. Sally and a child died later in the year as the da te of death on her tombstone is 1815. She was buried in Brokow Cemetery near Stockport, Ohi o and east of Big Bottom in Morgan Co, Ohio. Peter later remarried. Peter Van Clief, Jr. and Temperance Sutliff (born 23 May 1797 in Pennsylvania?) daughter of B arnabus Sutliff and Sarah (Sally) Evans, were married in about 1817 in Washington Co., Ohio . Soon after their marriage, Peter and Temperance lived on a farm near Waterford Landing o n the Muskingum River in Washington Co., Ohio. According to census records Peter and his fam ily moved several times. However, it might not have been a great distance because boundarie s and the names of settlements changed occasionalyl. In 1818 Morgan Co. was formed so a par t of Washington Co, automatically became Morgan County. In 1820 Peter, his wife and two children were living in Homer Twp, Athens Co., Ohio. On Octo ber 3, 1823 the heirs of Peter Van Clief, Sr. sold to their brother, Daniel, the land in Wate rford Twp, Washington Co., that had formerly belonged to their father. Since the heirs live d in different counties it took some time to complete the document. Peter, Abigail Cheadle , Mary Ann Frisbey and their families were living in Athens Co., at the time the deed was wri tten On Sep 7, 1828, Peter and Temperance were still living in Homer Twp. On that date they sol d a tract of land in Morgan Co., to Cyrus and Abigail Cheadle, also of Homer Twp, who immedia tely sold it to Aaron Thomas of Roxbury Twp, Washington County In 1830 the family, with seven children, was living in Windsor Twp, Morgan Co. They were sti ll living there in December 1839 when Peter made a deposition for his mother to receive a gov ernment pension since his father had been in the Revolutionary War. The family was also list ed there in the 1840 census. However, in the census three sons and five daughters were liste d. The eldest son, Peter, was probably living away from home at that time. According to fam ily tradition, Peter contracted malaria from breaking up the virgin soil on his farm which we akened him and thereby hastened his death. It is not certain when Peter died but it was betw een 1840 and November 1843 when his estate was probated. No one seems to know where he is bu ried but it is likely he was buried in the old Brokaw Cheadle Cemetery on the former Charli e Case farm at Big Bottom. It is across the Muskingum River from Stockport, In Windsor Twp . There is no stone standing on his grave but there is one for his wife, Temperance. She di ed on November 16, 1843, aged 46 years, 5 months and 24 days. Her epitaph reads:"Thou dear d eparted spirit, O who will wish thee here Since now dost inherit A purer happier Sphere" Since most of the children were minors, they were given guardiansa and some of them lived wit h older members of the family as the 1850 census shows.