Lena DAY

Ancestors of Lena DAY

                                                          /-Timothy DAY
                                                /-Timothy DAY
                                                |         \-Phoebe WILDES
                                      /-Abner DAY
                                      |         \- JEAN
                            /-Ezra DAY
                            |         \-Susanna MARSHALL
                  /-Elias Warner DAY
                  |         \-Susanna WARNER
        /-John Warner DAY
        |         \-Judith Low CURTIS
Lena DAY
        \-Alice Chamberlain PINCKNEY

Descendants of Lena DAY

1 Lena DAY
  =Fred R. BOYNTON

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For further information email: stephjobes@gmail.com

Leon Calvin DAY

Ancestors of Leon Calvin DAY

                                                                    /-Timothy DAY
                                                          /-Joseph DAY
                                                          |         \-Phoebe WILDES
                                                /-William DAY
                                                |         \-Patience HILTON
                                      /-William DAY
                                      |         \-Dorothy LITTLEFIELD
                            /-Thomas DAY
                            |         \-Lucy VARNEY
                  /-Calvin DAY
                  |         |                                       /-Timothy DAY
                  |         |                             /-Joseph DAY
                  |         |                             |         \-Phoebe WILDES
                  |         |                   /-Hilton DAY
                  |         |                   |         \-Patience HILTON
                  |         |         /-Stephen DAY
                  |         |         |         \-Elizabeth LITTLEFIELD
                  |         \-Susan DAY
                  |                   |                             /-Timothy DAY
                  |                   |                   /-Joseph DAY
                  |                   |                   |         \-Phoebe WILDES
                  |                   |         /-William DAY
                  |                   |         |         \-Patience HILTON
                  |                   \-Dorothy DAY
                  |                             \-Dorothy LITTLEFIELD
        /-George H. DAY
        |         \-Emily SARGENT
Leon Calvin DAY
        \-Harriett PENDEXTER

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For further information email: stephjobes@gmail.com

Leonard DAY

Ancestors of Leonard DAY

                                                /-Timothy DAY
                                      /-Joseph DAY
                                      |         \-Phoebe WILDES
                            /-Joseph DAY
                            |         \-Patience HILTON
                  /-Moses Wentworth DAY
                  |         \-Elizabeth WENTWORTH
        /-George W DAY
        |         \-Elizabeth LITTLEFIELD
Leonard DAY
        \-Emily WOOD

Descendants of Leonard DAY

1 Leonard DAY
  =Hannah PERKINS  Marriage: 10 JUN 1847, Boston, Suffolk, MA
      2 Nancy DAY
      2 Mary DAY
      2 Leonard DAY
      2 George Henry DAY
      2 Frederick DAY
      2 Jane Sarah DAY
        =Martin Luther HAM
            3 Rosco Conklin HAM
              =Yolanda MCCOLLOM
            3 Roderick HAM
            3 Uriel Stephens HAM
            3 Elizabeth HAM
      2 Ida Florence DAY
      2 Ella DAY
      2 Nancy DAY

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For further information email: stephjobes@gmail.com

Leonard DAY

Ancestors of Leonard DAY

                                                          /-Timothy DAY
                                                /-Joseph DAY
                                                |         \-Phoebe WILDES
                                      /-Joseph DAY
                                      |         \-Patience HILTON
                            /-Moses Wentworth DAY
                            |         \-Elizabeth WENTWORTH
                  /-George W DAY
                  |         \-Elizabeth LITTLEFIELD
        /-Leonard DAY
        |         \-Emily WOOD
Leonard DAY
        \-Hannah PERKINS

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For further information email: stephjobes@gmail.com

Leonard DAY

Ancestors of Leonard DAY

                                                /-Timothy DAY
                                      /-Joseph DAY
                                      |         \-Phoebe WILDES
                            /-Benjamin DAY
                            |         \-Patience HILTON
                  /-Ebenezer DAY
                  |         \-Mary TAYLOR
        /-Stephen DAY
        |         \-Mariam LARRABEE
Leonard DAY
        \-Cynthia MILLER

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For further information email: stephjobes@gmail.com