Margie E. RIDLON

Descendants of Margie E. RIDLON

1 Margie E. RIDLON
  =Leslie L. DAY  Marriage: About:1913-00-00

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Osborne RIDLON

Descendants of Osborne RIDLON

1 Osborne RIDLON
  =Lucretia A. DAY  Marriage: 1862/3, Naples, Cumberland, ME

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Elizabeth RILEY

Descendants of Elizabeth RILEY

1 Elizabeth RILEY
  =David Sawyer DAY
      2 Aaron DAY
      2 Elizabeth A. DAY
      2 Sargent S. DAY

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Michelle RIZZO

Ancestors of Michelle RIZZO

        /-Thomas Joseph RIZZO
Michelle RIZZO
        |                                                                                                   /-Timothy DAY
        |                                                                                         /-Joseph DAY
        |                                                                                         |         \-Phoebe WILDES
        |                                                                               /-Joseph DAY
        |                                                                               |         \-Patience HILTON
        |                                                                     /-Moses Wentworth DAY
        |                                                                     |         \-Elizabeth WENTWORTH
        |                                                           /-George W DAY
        |                                                           |         \-Elizabeth LITTLEFIELD
        |                                                 /-Augustus Franklin DAY
        |                                                 |         \-Emily WOOD
        |                                       /-Henry Augustus DAY
        |                                       |         \-Harriet GOVE
        |                             /-Charles Eugene DAY
        |                             |         \-Sarah Remington WAITE
        |                   /-Ralph Remington DAY
        |                   |         \-Ella Mills TAYLOR
        |         /-Richard Remington DAY
        |         |         \-Genette WEBER
        \-Stephanie DAY
                  \-Mary STEPHAN

Descendants of Michelle RIZZO

1 Michelle RIZZO
  =Donal Kevin SWEDEN

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Thomas Joseph RIZZO

Descendants of Thomas Joseph RIZZO

1 Thomas Joseph RIZZO
  =Stephanie DAY
      2 Michelle RIZZO
        =Donal Kevin SWEDEN

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